The Party boat a CATAMARAN YACHT just for your comfort!! Party Boat, Birthdays, Whale watching, Durban, whale watching durban, Humpback Whales, Educational, boat rides, cruise boat, boat cruise, Educational and interesting. Outdoor education. Walvis besigtiging and dolfyn besigtigings ritte.

Mission / Missie

The ISLE OF CAPRI CRUISES commits to giving the customers and experience that they would never want to forget. We are giving our customers a lifetime experience.

Die ISLE OF CAPRI CRUISES verbind ons tot uitstaande kliente diens en om die mense te laat met 'n onvergeetlike ervaring.Walvis besigtiging and dolfyn besigtigings ritte. Bootritte uit die boonste rakke

Vision / Visie

The ISLE OF CAPRI CRUISES would want to educate the crew and all South Africans about the safe use of the oceans knowledge into the protection of our earth. Our educational cruises teaches young and old what is the purpose of a growing shipping economy. We educate people about the workings of the port and the importance of this port to South Africa. The ships and the dock workers are an important part of the economy. The ocean is our precious gem that will save the planet.

Die ISLE OF CAPRI CRUISE poog om ons bemanning en die algemene publiek so te inspireer oor die oseaan en die planeet se beskerming dat mense die plek sal laat soos hulle dit gekry het. Ons opvoedkundige ritte wil almal , jonk en oud, die belangrikheid van skeepsvrag te laat verstaan. Ons wil ook die mense die belangrikheid van Durban as 'n hawe te leer. Die dok werkers en skeeps werkers se deel in die poging om die ekonomie te ondersteun. Die oseane is 'n baie belangrike deel om die planeet gesond te hou.


14 Boatman's Rd
Durban, 4000


Ph: +27(0) 31 305 3099 
Cell: +27(0) 82 851 4787
Cell: +27 (0) 61 435 8202 (WA)

Terms & Conditions
  • *Duration of the trip stated on the ticket.
  • *The owner shall not be liable to refund ticket price where passengers FAIL TO ARRIVE ON OR before sailing time.
  • *This ticket MUST BE presented 15 minutes BEFORE sailing time.
  • *Strictly NO REFUNDS where passengers FAIL TO ARRIVE ON OR before sailing time.
  • *All cruises subject to change without notice.
  • *All Prices subject to change without notice.


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